Samstag, 17. August 2013

From Mother to Son

The way they were educated probably also influenced how the Royal Women raised and raise their own children. Some see their parents as an example, others bring up their children other than them.


The Queen once asked Kate Winslet whether she liked her job and the actress answered: "Yes, but I love being a mom even more". "Yes", Elizabeth II responsed "That is the only job which matters". It is widely believed that the Queen was a cold-hearted mother, who did not treat her children very well and and payed not attention to them. In fact, she loved her children very much and tried her best in raising them. But one has to remember that she is also the head of the British Commonwealth and as mentioned before, the Queen devotes her whole life to it. She always had to make the decision if she would "save one life and put millions in danger - or sacrifice one life for the sake of millions". Elizabeth II had to neglect either her children or her duty as a queen. Furthermore, the fact that she lived in an era when parents did not show their affection towards their children in public so much should also be regarded. And finally, we do not know what was going on in Buckingham Palace and how the Queen treated Prince Charles and his siblings in private. Yes, Charles felt neglected but maybe he did not consider that his mother is a very busy person, who can not be compared to any other woman and mother. Nevertheless, the way Charles had been educated might have affected the way he and Diana raised their sons.

Diana Spencer also loved being a mom and enjoyed playing or reading with her sons William and Harry. The Princess and her husband Charles send the two boys to nursery school and tried to attend school concerts and sport days, just like normal parents would. However, for Royals it is very hard to live a normal life, let alone providing a normal life for their children. The weight on Diana's shoulders was too heavy, so instead of backing up her sons, she relied on her son William and made him feel the pressure she had felt. In Diana's time of trouble, when she could not even help herself, she neglected her children and instead of caring for William and Harry, Charles escaped. This made William grow up too fast, skipping his childood. At last, in the Middletons he discovered the stability, he could not find in his own family.

Almost one month ago, on 22 July 2013 Kate Middleton gave birth to (probably the future King) George Alexander Louis; consequently, it is not yet to say how she will educate the newborn. Regardless, observers have already made suggestions and speculations about Kate's and William's educational methods. Many state that their idea is to raise George just like Diana had raised William, except the unintended pressure. In contrast to Elizabeth II, who kept her children in respectful distance, George should enjoy an ordinary life, close to his family. In relation to the fact, that he is growing up in a palace and going to be protected by police men and security guards 24/7 a normal life seems to be unlikely, but wishful thinking.

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