Dienstag, 6. August 2013

8 Reasons Why We Love The Queen

1. She likes colours

Have you noticed that she always wears something colourful? She can be pretty in pink, wear bright blue or fresh-grass green and still look dignified.

2. She wears awesome hats

Is there anything more to say? The Queen is totally confident with what she wears and therefore a trendsetter.

3. She never offends

The Queen doesn't say too much. In fact, what she says is important and never offends anybody. She knows what to say and when to say it. It may be part of her eduaction, but this is what makes a wise person and a wise government.

4. She is not above working


Yes, it's true! During World War II she learned how to drive and even served as a mechanic.

5. She is persistent and sincere

Did you know that she fell in love with her future husband at the age of 13? How romantic is that?! When Elizabeth met Philip she was actually still a child but back then she already knew what she wanted. The Queen is very strong and if she wants something she will be persistent until she gets it. Some people may think that this is a rather negative trait but in fact it is a characteristic that the head of a state needs to have in order that people would not make decisions for her or use her to enforce their own interests.

6. She loves dogs

Elizabeth has owned more than 30 Corgis and is now owner of four Corgis and several Cocker Spaniels and Dorgis (Dachshund-Corgi crossbreeds). Three of them (Monty, Holly and Willow) even appeared in the Olympic opening ceremony in 2012.

7. She keeps her promises

1947, Elizabeth II statet: “my whole life, whether it be long or short, shall be devoted to your service and the service of our great imperial family to which we all belong.”
It is to say that those words were not just words but she made it her life's purpose to keep that pledge and really is devoted to serving her country.

8. She twitters

Since 2009 the Queen lets us get a glimpse of her private live and her thoughts and makes us feel just a little closer to her.

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