Samstag, 17. August 2013


Many of the differences in personal attributes between Eliazebth II, Diana, Camilla and Kate can be accounted for by their upbringing and education. After all, education shapes all of us.


Even though the Queen Mum had hoped that her daughter could attend a public school in order to learn both social and intelectual matters, it may be rather unsurprising that Elizabeth II had been taught and enjoyed an excellent education at home, but always under her mother's survey. The principal of Eton, C.H.K. Marten taught her history while the Archbishop of Canterbury tutored her in religion. Furthermore, Elizabeth learned to speak French fluently and other modern languages. Astonishing though, that the Queen was actively involved with the Scouts. However, all this might sound as if it was a lot of fun, but the truth is that Elizabeth's parents were very strict and she always had to be careful of what she said and did, since she was to become Queen after her oncle's abdication and King George VI's death. The idea was to educate Elizabeth in a way that she would make her appreciate both her privileges and responsibilities.Very early, she learned how to inaugurate, do state visits and deliver speeches. Not so much fun anymore, huh?

As the daughter of British aristocrats Camilla could also attent the best schools. She was enrolled at a strict co-educational school in her hometown Sussex, the Queen’s Gate School in South Kensington and was educated in Switzerland and in France. In spite of her good education, Camilla did not seem to have as much pressure as Elizabeth II and behaved according to her will. Though former acquaintances and friends described her as outgoing, popular and cheerful, they also said that she was not particulary pretty but "raunchy and randy". However, back when Camilla was a child she knew what she wanted and she would always go for it until she got it. This trait might have helped her as well, referring to her relationship with Prince Charles.

Diana Spencer was a direct descendant of King Charles II; nevertheless, her education was rather average. She had been educated at home until she was 9 years old and then attended Riddlesworth Hall and West Heath School in Kent, of which she dropped out. Like Camilla she went to a finishing school in Switzerland
but only stayed there for a few months. Even though Diana's parents were wealthy, she tried out several professions, such as dancing Ballett, cleaning and hostessing at parties. Diana was not of the rich and idle kind, she always wanted to do something, and even after becoming the world's most famous princess Diana did not cold-shoulder her work and ethics.

Kate Middleton is the only one of the four mentioned women who has a college degree, namely in the History of Art. Despite the fact that she also is the only one who is not originally a Royal, she could attend distinguished schools, for the Middletons are a wealthy family. Regardless, Kate had to work hard and push herself and that is what eventually made her successful. The Duchess still does not leave her life and success to chance, still works hard and prepares herself, even if her ambitions have changed and Kate's assignment now is to represent the British Royal Family.

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