Samstag, 17. August 2013

From Mother to Son

The way they were educated probably also influenced how the Royal Women raised and raise their own children. Some see their parents as an example, others bring up their children other than them.


The Queen once asked Kate Winslet whether she liked her job and the actress answered: "Yes, but I love being a mom even more". "Yes", Elizabeth II responsed "That is the only job which matters". It is widely believed that the Queen was a cold-hearted mother, who did not treat her children very well and and payed not attention to them. In fact, she loved her children very much and tried her best in raising them. But one has to remember that she is also the head of the British Commonwealth and as mentioned before, the Queen devotes her whole life to it. She always had to make the decision if she would "save one life and put millions in danger - or sacrifice one life for the sake of millions". Elizabeth II had to neglect either her children or her duty as a queen. Furthermore, the fact that she lived in an era when parents did not show their affection towards their children in public so much should also be regarded. And finally, we do not know what was going on in Buckingham Palace and how the Queen treated Prince Charles and his siblings in private. Yes, Charles felt neglected but maybe he did not consider that his mother is a very busy person, who can not be compared to any other woman and mother. Nevertheless, the way Charles had been educated might have affected the way he and Diana raised their sons.

Diana Spencer also loved being a mom and enjoyed playing or reading with her sons William and Harry. The Princess and her husband Charles send the two boys to nursery school and tried to attend school concerts and sport days, just like normal parents would. However, for Royals it is very hard to live a normal life, let alone providing a normal life for their children. The weight on Diana's shoulders was too heavy, so instead of backing up her sons, she relied on her son William and made him feel the pressure she had felt. In Diana's time of trouble, when she could not even help herself, she neglected her children and instead of caring for William and Harry, Charles escaped. This made William grow up too fast, skipping his childood. At last, in the Middletons he discovered the stability, he could not find in his own family.

Almost one month ago, on 22 July 2013 Kate Middleton gave birth to (probably the future King) George Alexander Louis; consequently, it is not yet to say how she will educate the newborn. Regardless, observers have already made suggestions and speculations about Kate's and William's educational methods. Many state that their idea is to raise George just like Diana had raised William, except the unintended pressure. In contrast to Elizabeth II, who kept her children in respectful distance, George should enjoy an ordinary life, close to his family. In relation to the fact, that he is growing up in a palace and going to be protected by police men and security guards 24/7 a normal life seems to be unlikely, but wishful thinking.

Dress style

Queen Elizabeth II entrusts her clothing style to several designers, such as Stewart Parvin and Angela Kelly.
Her style is simple but distinctive, colourful yet elegant. In the 1950's, Elizabeth was wearing full skirts and fitted bodices during the day and dresses made of tulle and duchesse satin combined with fur and a tiara at official or special occasions. The older the Queen got, the more her look changed to as it is now. She began to favour straight, drop-waisted coats and dresses in bright colours and after a while added handbags, simple shoes and a pearl necklace. Since a few decades she also wears white gloves and hats, of which she owns about 5000 pieces. During the nights, the Queen still likes to wear tiaras, fur stoles and embroidered dresses in light colours, made of satin and lace.

Regarding her fashion, Camilla Parker Bowles ties in with the Queens dress style. Her ensembles, for example, are also colourful and her coats are mainly drop-waisted. However, her style also differs from the Queen's. Her combinations are not always uni-coloured and the Duchess prefers pencil skirts or knee-lenght skirts, which expand at the brink and instead of carrying a handbag she likes to carry clutches. Just like all the British royal women do, she loves hats but compared to the Queen's, hers are cantilevered and broad-brimmed. Also, Camilla often wears simple dresses, with a coat, that has the same length and colour as the dress.

Princess Diana was well known for her eye-catching and fashionable clothing. Before she got married to Prince Charles, her style was some sort of understated chic and somtimes even tomboyish. After the marriage her style had changed, but her clothing did not get boring at all and it was totally different from the Queen's style. Even though Diana was wearing hats and coats she still stood out. Either her coat was especially colourfull or made of an, among Royals, unusual material, such as shag. The Princess' style was adventurous and simply ultra-chic. It is impossible to define her dress style, since it was always different and special. Sometimes she would even wear a simple Pullover and trousers yet she looked fabulous at all times. Diana Spencer truly was a fashionista.

Kate Middleton's fashion can be seen as a combination of the Queen's, Camilla's and Diana's style. Just like Elizabeth II, she wears simple uni-coloured coats and rather small hats, but she also likes to wear dresses with a coat and clutches, which reminds of Camilla. Moreover, Kate is fashionable as Diana. Her clothes are elegant, fresh and flowing and always eye-catching. However, she prefers tight dresses with a high waist, which emphasize her slender figure. Kate's style is appropiate for her age, not too outstanding but still not boring.


Many of the differences in personal attributes between Eliazebth II, Diana, Camilla and Kate can be accounted for by their upbringing and education. After all, education shapes all of us.


Even though the Queen Mum had hoped that her daughter could attend a public school in order to learn both social and intelectual matters, it may be rather unsurprising that Elizabeth II had been taught and enjoyed an excellent education at home, but always under her mother's survey. The principal of Eton, C.H.K. Marten taught her history while the Archbishop of Canterbury tutored her in religion. Furthermore, Elizabeth learned to speak French fluently and other modern languages. Astonishing though, that the Queen was actively involved with the Scouts. However, all this might sound as if it was a lot of fun, but the truth is that Elizabeth's parents were very strict and she always had to be careful of what she said and did, since she was to become Queen after her oncle's abdication and King George VI's death. The idea was to educate Elizabeth in a way that she would make her appreciate both her privileges and responsibilities.Very early, she learned how to inaugurate, do state visits and deliver speeches. Not so much fun anymore, huh?

As the daughter of British aristocrats Camilla could also attent the best schools. She was enrolled at a strict co-educational school in her hometown Sussex, the Queen’s Gate School in South Kensington and was educated in Switzerland and in France. In spite of her good education, Camilla did not seem to have as much pressure as Elizabeth II and behaved according to her will. Though former acquaintances and friends described her as outgoing, popular and cheerful, they also said that she was not particulary pretty but "raunchy and randy". However, back when Camilla was a child she knew what she wanted and she would always go for it until she got it. This trait might have helped her as well, referring to her relationship with Prince Charles.

Diana Spencer was a direct descendant of King Charles II; nevertheless, her education was rather average. She had been educated at home until she was 9 years old and then attended Riddlesworth Hall and West Heath School in Kent, of which she dropped out. Like Camilla she went to a finishing school in Switzerland
but only stayed there for a few months. Even though Diana's parents were wealthy, she tried out several professions, such as dancing Ballett, cleaning and hostessing at parties. Diana was not of the rich and idle kind, she always wanted to do something, and even after becoming the world's most famous princess Diana did not cold-shoulder her work and ethics.

Kate Middleton is the only one of the four mentioned women who has a college degree, namely in the History of Art. Despite the fact that she also is the only one who is not originally a Royal, she could attend distinguished schools, for the Middletons are a wealthy family. Regardless, Kate had to work hard and push herself and that is what eventually made her successful. The Duchess still does not leave her life and success to chance, still works hard and prepares herself, even if her ambitions have changed and Kate's assignment now is to represent the British Royal Family.


The four women have different priorities; some are of personal, some of public interest. Needless to say that Elizabeth II is a kind of person, who puts her country and people first. But what about Diana, Camilla and Kate, who do not bear as much responsibility as the Queen?


As the head of the Commonwealth, the Queen attaches a high importance to the relationship to the former British colonies. Therefore, she visited almost every single country of the community of states; furthermore, she cultivates friendships and close contacts with the heads of those states. In addition, Elizabeth II is the representer, not only for the Royal Family, but also for the United Kingdom and the whole Commonwealth.

"I declare before you all that my whole life whether it be long or short shall be devoted to your service and the service of our great imperial family to which we all belong." - 1947, HRH The Princess Elizabeth

 As she had promised in her twenty-first birthday speech, she lives for her nation and that still is the Queen's highest priority.

Diana, however, loved serving the people in a different way. She travelled the world for philantrophic causes and mainly worked with HIV- and AIDS-patients. Back in 1987 many still believed that the disease can be transmitted via casual contact but the princess knew those assertions were without substance, so she touched and held the patients. The pictures of the action scattered the prejudices. Diana also concerned about children's injuries, caused by the use of landmines. Lady Di became president or patron of more than 100 charities. The charity work continues through her sons, William and Harry, and thus has become Princess Diana's legacy.

Camilla has also found her niche in helping destitute people. She became patron of a charity, called Emmaus, that helps homeless people across Coventry and Warwickshire. This charity runs houses, which offer a place to stay for derelicts. The Duchess mainly visits those houses, talks to their inhabitants and, of course, donates.

Also Kate had taken up a lot, as she announced last year that she wanted to donate not only financial support but her time as well to several charities. Her idea was to facilitate children’s hospices, an art therapy and addiction charity, a world-famous art gallery and the Scout Association, the British equivalent of the Girl Scouts. So far, Kate became patron of The Natural History Museum and two charities, which provide emotional support for neglected children in schools (Place2Be) and financially support diasabled and non-disabled athletes (SportsAid). However, Kate realized that she could not follow her original plan of supporting all the above named causes, so she took a step back and decided to focus on a few selected charities.


The royal women live extraordinary lives, but therefore they also had, and still have, to face extraordinary problems and issues.


When thinking about her past, Queen Elizabeth II surely is proud of herself and deservedly she can be so. Like many people, she had experienced World War II but not as a normal citizen: Elizabeth had to see her father, King George VI, make decisions for Great Britain during that difficult time, after his brother had abdicated in order to marry the divorcee Wallis Simpson. At the age of 18 Elizabeth decided to serve the military and there she got her driving licence. She saw the Cold War and the breakup and fall of the British Empire, since Great Britain had been badly affected by the war and was almost ruined financially. Between 1945 and 1965 the number of people who were under the British authority outside the UK decreased from 700 million to 5 million. As a queen she saw twelve prime ministers come and go. Through it all, she had to be strong, confident and firm. The world has changed but the Queen stayed the same. In times of alteration, she was the icon for consistency.

Diana's issues were of a more personal nature. She had problems with herself, suffering from low self-esteem and timidity. "Shy Di" is how people called her. She was blushing when cameras took pictures of her, even on her wedding day. Since she had Bulemia at the age of 20 and lost a lot of weight in only a few weeks, the couturier had to make Diana's wedding gown smaller after he had already finished it. Diana was a public-pleaser: she tried her best to be presentable and close to people and she actually succeeded in doing so. The Britains loved and valued her. However, Diana could not stand the public pressure and not only by pleasing others, she destroyed herself. “The problem with Diana was that she didn’t play by the royal rule book. She did many great things and shook the royal family up, but in doing so and breaking the mold she roughed people up the wrong way,” Katie Nicholl, a royals reporter for the Daily Mail, told ABC News. However, this was not the only problem: Diana was unhappy with her marriage as Charles cheated on her with Camilla over a long period. "Well, there were three of us in this marriage, so it was a bit crowded.“, she said. Even though Diana's death was an accident, many believe that the pressure and her unhappiness had already killed her.

Camilla's problems are closely linked to Diana's. As already mentioned the British people loved Diana and are afflicted with her dramatic fate; therefore, they dislike Camilla. Many blame her for commiting adultery with Prince Charles, who was still married to Diana. Queen Elizabeth reluctantly agreed to Charles' and Camilla's wedding and did not really accept her son's new wife for a long time. Just now, the relationship between Elizabeth and Camilla seems to have improved, as these pictures show the two women closer than ever:

Kate Middleton is the newcomer of the royal family and that makes everyone look at her critically. She does not come from a royal background but a family of self-made millonaires and she is always compared with Princess Diana. Yet, she is not like Diana at all: “I think Kate has done things very differently. She followed the royal rule book literally rule by rule. She hasn’t put a foot wrong, she has followed all the advice, she’s followed her husband’s lead and she’s proving to be a great success.”, continued Nicholl her report to ABC News. And yes, Britain loves Kate already. In fact, she more resembles Queen Elizabeth II, since Kate is as self-confident and strong as her.


Royal Weddings are always something special and, at least in the UK, everyone follows the spectacular occasion. Who had the best Wedding: Elizabeth II, Diana, Camilla or Kate? Check out the following comparison and make a choice!

Queen Elizabeth II

Elizabeth II and Philip got married on 20 November 1947 at Westminster Abbey. Since the wedding took place during World War II, Elizabeth, who back then was 21 years old, still needed ration coupons in order to buy material for her wedding gown which was designed by Norman Hartnell, the court designer. The long-sleeved dress was made of satin and ivory silk. It's trail was 13 feet long and star patterned while the tulle veil was secured by a tiara. The whole dress was full of embroidery motifs of scattered flowers, made of 10 000 seed pearls and crystals. Even the designer himself said that this was the most beautiful dress he had made so far.

Eight bridesmaids and two page boys, composed of Elizabeth's sisters and her and Philip's cousins, attended her. In a large carriage procession the royal parties made their way from Buckingham Palace to Westminster Abbey. the Archbishop of Canterbury and the Archbishop of York officiated the ceremony, which was broadcasted by BBC radio. After the ceremony the couple went back to Buckingham Palace, where they waved to the crowd from the balcony and had a breakfast at the Ball Supper-room. Elizabeth and Philip had their Honeymoon in Broadlands, Hampshire, which was the home of Philip's uncle, Earl Mountbatten.

Princess Diana

Diana was only 20 years old when on 29 July 1981 she got married to Prince Charles in St. Paul's Cathedral. Their wedding costed about £20 million; the dress itself, made by David and Elizabeth Emanuel,  had been valued at £9000. It was made of ivory silk taffeta and antique lace and decorated with sequins, embroidery and, just like Elizabeth's dress, 10 000 pearls. Elizabeth also loaned her the tiara, which Diana gave back to her after her divorce from Charles. The most stunning part of the dress was the 25-foot trail, which made it hard for Diana's father to fit inside the glass coach, that brought them to the cathedral.

About 3500 people personally attended the wedding, which had been broadcasted on TV for an audience of approximately 750 million. It was Diana and Charles who started the tradition of the kiss on the balcony, from which Queen Elizabeth and Philip had waved on their wedding day. Many people stated that Diana and Charles' movements were unnatural and uneasy and already regarded this as the beginning of the end of their marriage.

Camilla, Duchess of Cornwall

Camilla and Charles' wedding on 9 April 2005 was way different than the other Royal weddings. Both parties had been married before and as Charles' second wife Camilla is quite unpopular among the British people. Prince William and Tom Parker Bowles, Camilla's son, at first refused to become their parents' best men, but then changed their minds. Also, the Queen and her husband were not  present at the ceremony at Windsor Guildhall but attended the blessing service, of which Elizabeth II believes is the centerpiece of the day, and held a reception for them in Windsor Castle.

Just as her wedding, Camilla's dress was rather unspectacular, compared to the other royal brides. Robinson Valentine designed the with gold embroidered, pale blue coat, which was inspired by a piece of jewellery belonging to Camilla’s mother. After all, Charles had finally married the woman he had loved for most of his adult life.

Kate Middleton

Just two years have passed since Kate Middleton said "yes" to Prince William on 29 April 2011. About 1900 guests followed the ceremony in Westminster Abbey, which had been broadcasted on even YouTube. Just like Diana did at her wedding with Charles, Kate promised not to obey her husband, but to love and honour him. After the end of the ceremony, the bridal couple did not have a honeymoon; instead they flew to the island Anglesey, where William is positioned as a helicopter-pilot.


Even though Kate's official title is "Duchess of Cambridge", she truly looked like a princess on her wedding day. Her long-sleeved dress with a trail of 10 foot is designed by Sarah Burton for Alexander McQueen. The stunning stellar gown, which slightly reminds of the Victorian style, is made of white and ivory silk, hand-embroidered English and French Chantilly lace. The veil, however, is made of ivory silk tulle, secured by a gorgeous tiara.

Freitag, 16. August 2013

Kate and the Royals

As the new member of the Royal Family Kate Middleton is constantly analyzed and critized not only by the family itself but also by the public. The main question is, if Kate is adequate as the wife of Prince William and the granddaughter-in-law of the most popular woman alive.

Kate Middleton was born on 9 January 1982 in Berkshire as the daughter of Carole Elizabeth and Michael Francis Middleton. The family is not royal but aristocratic and worked it's way up to self-made millionaires. However, Prince William and his beloved wife do have mutual ancestors for they are both descendants of Elizabeth Boleyn, Countess of Wiltshire, who is the grandmother of Elizabeth I. Consequently, Kate is not thoroughly of the bourgeoisie, which is a plus-point for her.

In character, she has also got what it takes to be a Royal, who is always in the spotlight and center of public interest, chased by paparazzi. Kate has a strong personality and she is self-confident. The criticsm she has to face do not harm or unsettle her; the Duchess knows who she is and what she can do. Back when she was just dating Prince William, a friend once said, how lucky she must be for going out with him. Reportedly, her answer was: "He's lucky to be going out with me." Another example for her toughness is that Kate banned Duchess Camilla from contact with her newborn George, after Camilla had offended Kate's mother Carole. This is a proof for Kate's loyality towards her family, as well and loyality is an important character trait a Royal should have. Furthermore, Kate is outgoing and friendly. She loves to visit states, inaugurate and simply being there at official occasions. The travelling and work she does surely is stressful but for all that, Kate never seems to be stressed out, annoyed or discontent. She appears to be pleased and happy with her life, which has also become her job.

William felt so welcome at the Middleton's house, that he wanted his wife to feel the same way at Buckingham Palace. If the Prince had not insisted on Kate and her family being treated well by his own family, maybe the Queen would not have agreed to their relationship and wedding. However, after seeing Kate doing so well as a Royal, Elizabeth II must have changed her mind to the positive, if she really ever disfavoured her. Even though Kate is not actually royal by her bloodline, she truly is a Royal in her heart and character and since to years also by marriage.